second try

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


As I have thought about blogging for a long time, I finally decided to start one at the encouragement of my friends over the last couple of years. Part of me struggled with the idea of adding to the blog surplus out there and I wondered if my voice in the mix was really needed. I have decided yes, it is, because every voice is unique. Some of the things I will write on have been very difficult for me to find information on. Some things are a result of soul searching and countless hours spent researching, trying to understand what our past and present history is. In choosing to have my eyes wide open I can, as a mom and a follower of Jesus, live my life not making those same mistakes, not just going along with the culture with my eyes shut, but live my life intentionally and purposefully aware of how my every day decisions structures the culture of my family and those around me, to varying degrees, for better or for worse.I love helping other moms do the same!

While the amount of influence we will posses in our lives is not ours to know, but God's to create as he sees fit, whatever it is tiny or small I think most of us want to use it well and purposefully. No amount of influence is insignificant. Each of us affect someone. Each of you are affecting someone today. This blog is to share my journey of how we as moms can run our homes, love our husbands, nurture and direct our family for the absolute glory and pleasure of God, every day and in every way.

As a mom of young ones with my newest joy growing inside me, I will be writing a lot about the beauties and adjustments that come with raising children. I have learned so much from so many and simply want to pass along the most helpful things I have learned for those who are interested. In terms of resources, I will be sharing those in abundance! I love spreading fantastic resources. A lot of what I share will be nutrition related, which is the single most topic I continually have questions about. I have spent so many hours, happily writing answers to frequently asked questions. However, I simply can not keep up that pace of time with my responsibilities so I will be writing blog posts I can easily direct my friends to with a link and a click.

I will also be commenting on news stories because I am strongly aware that the culture and decisions around us to affect our homes to different degrees. There probably are few topics I won't hit on, but almost every thing I write will be with the goal of educating, empowering and informing interested moms to go the way of Jesus, the way of the cross, every time and in every area of our daily lives. I have sought some resources and information for years. This blog is my place to compile everything that took me so long to find, in order that it might help you. It won't be for everyone, but for those who will appreciate it, my time is worth it to bless your lives.

If you are a mom who loves Jesus, family and scripture, this blog could be for you. I pray that you are blessed and encouraged as you read!

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