second try

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rest, Rythym and Routine

I love how relaxing following my new pre-school and fall schedule has been for me. I learned flexibility when I was pregnant with Eden; now more than ever I am getting to walk out what I learned. I think the key to being able to enjoy both the days when all of our plans work out and the days when almost nothing does is just being able to say, "It is well with my soul." If we can learn to appreciate the achievements of the day no matter how slight they might seem, and the disappointing for what we can learn and the good character we can choose to develop, we are well on our way to operating in peace and and always having a successful day. After all, when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter if we cook from scratch or get take out that day, or whether our little one decides they don't like the alphabet anymore. It matters if there was love in how we went about our relationships. I have had success and failure in the love department this week but am so at peace with where I am and the fact that I won't stay put, but God is moving me forward. I am learning to function in rest, and in rest I can better love for love is not in a hurry or impatient, or unkind. It never fails.

Matthew 11:29

29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

In the last year I gave up trying to accomplish the many things I have to do. Instead, I decided to simply do what I can and call it a night when it's time. In the process I have learned that I can accomplish more from a place of rest. Instead of doing the usual wake up at the crack of dawn and just work until I dropped into bed, I began to rest more when the kids went to bed. The awake kind of rest, not the sleeping kind of rest. And I felt so much better for it. 

Now that I have once again been starting my days at the very first with my favorite four books and prayer, I am so much better prepared to start my day with peace and love than struggling to find it in the midst of busyness and toddler energy. The best thing any of us moms can do for our kids is to give ourselves wholeheartedly to Jesus. I am coming back to that place of undivided focus. His presence is what enables me to love my kids, my husband and the others around me.

I am finding that the new routine I created is amazing for us. Just having it there to fall back on is a great feeling. So I had to run a lot of errands today? Ok, well this is what we will be doing tomorrow. No brain power required, as it is already on paper. Don't know what to make for lunch? My list makes it easy! An unexpected plus to this schedule is finding so much rest in getting more disciplined in ministering to the needs of my growing girls and our family at this time. Already I am seeing improvements in Eden. She is so worth a little extra structure and order in my life! This afternoon I actually let her watch a movie even though right now I only want that once a week. But I had a slow start... So there she was, and a little ways into it she wanted to turn it off and come cook with me. In fact, she cooked the entire meal with me: oven roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and tabbouleh salad. She picked out the salad recipe while I was rinsing the chicken in the sink. And we did subtraction as she handed me each potato to peel. She is a little sponge enjoying soaking up all the new brain stimulation we are giving her. Both of my girls are loving their new children's poetry books and asking to read them more often than just in our morning reading times. I am so happy that they love our lives right now, and they are doing so well. I am equally as happy that in the midst of all of this I am in rest, rythym and routine. Surely God gives us grace for what is required of him. We only need draw near and hear his heartbeat to receive of it.

Busyness means activity which produces nothing, or lively but meaningless activity. I used to be busy and I quit. Thank God! My hands are full of blessings, my time rich with that which is eternally and presently productive. I have much less problem saying no right now. I am saying yes to God, to cooking, to husband and children and those around me. I keep our animals fed. Everything else is not priority. Not even sweeping the floor (which I did just do) or having a spotless kitchen (which is always my goal in the midst of messing it up three times a day.) Being productive is better than busy. Productivity often happens at a slower pace than busyness. And I wouldn't have it any other way, as I thank God for his rest.

Hebrews 4:10

10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works,[a] just as God did from his.

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